Protecting your Asphalt from the Elements

May 11, 2022

Preventative Asphalt Maintenance Tips

Columbus is warming up! You'll find scorching heat and sticky humidity pretty much everywhere in Ohio in just a few weeks, where temperatures in the upper eighties are typical.

Columbus Asphalt Services is Columbus' premier paving company. Our mission is to protect your asphalt from the effects of Ohio's harsh weather and wet season. When the scorching summers of Columbus are combined with the spring rains, the result is an asphalt nightmare.

Rain and its Effect on Asphalt

Moisture is one of the most serious issues that may arise in any construction job. The longer water lingers on an asphalt surface, the more it absorbs and the more damage it does to your driveway, parking lot, or other essential blacktop surfaces.

Most asphalt surfaces are designed to whisk water away towards sewers and catch basins because water and moisture are so harmful to asphalt. However, no material can survive continuous moisture indefinitely. Fortunately, with regular care and some experienced assistance from Columbus Asphalt Services, you can maintain your asphalt in good shape for as long as you own the property.

storm basin repair columbus ohio

The Summer Heat and your Asphalt

Extended high temperatures can cause the top layer of your asphalt to heat up quicker than the lower layers. This can result in cracking, fading, stress fractures, and soft areas or depressions.

Your asphalt is vulnerable to the impacts and variations of high temperatures. Otherwise stiff asphalt can curl as a result of temperature changes, resulting in stress cracks along the surface and tensile strains in the slab's bottom half that may necessitate resurfacing or crack sealing. 

UV rays are also extremely harmful to asphalt. UV rays accelerate the breakdown of asphalt surfaces, causing soft areas and little waves to appear across the surface.

The components in the asphalt structure can also be weakened by UV radiation and regular use, causing the rich black color of fresh asphalt to fade to a dull gray. Sealing cracks as soon as possible and performing regular preventative maintenance are the best ways to protect your asphalt from excessive heat and UV radiation.

Asphalt Maintenance Tips

The consequences of Columbus' warm weather and daily use are felt by your asphalt, from wetness and heat to UV radiation and constant wear. Therefore, regular preventative maintenance is critical to the life and health of your asphalt. Some of the most common types of preventative asphalt maintenance that we recommend are shown below. 

Asphalt Cracksealing

The first line of defense against pavement degradation is crack sealing. By avoiding the collection of water and debris within the fissures in your asphalt surface, cracksealing extends the life of your pavement.

Asphalt Sealcoating

Sealcoating helps restore the previous luster that a freshly paved surface might present. Along with protecting the surface from the elements, it improves the aesthetics of the asphalt surface and prolongs the life of the entire asphalt structure. Not to be confused with cracksealing, sealcoating provides resistance to oil and gas spills and halts the spread of stress fractures.

asphalt cracksealing columbus ohio

Storm Basin Repair

The purpose of a storm basin is to collect water from the surrounding asphalt surface. Water can leak onto your asphalt or possibly flood your entire street if a storm basin is damaged, sunken, or constructed improperly.

Heavy rain may also alter the soft dirt surrounding a storm basin; therefore, adjustments are typical. The optimum time to inspect your storm basin for cracks and damage is just before the rainy season begins.

It's time to call Columbus Asphalt Services if you find fractures in your storm drain or water accumulating in your parking lot where it shouldn't be. Storm flooding is bad enough, but it's far worse without a working storm basin. Contact us today!

Protect your Pavement against Ohio's Weather

Columbus Asphalt Services is Columbus' premier paving contractor and are a great choice for protecting your asphalt from Ohio's harsh weather. We provide only the finest quality bespoke paving solutions to clients all across the central Ohio region, from large corporate projects to vital maintenance and repair of a driveway. Our qualified technical staff and salespeople are ready to take on your paving projects and give you a flawless customer experience. Contact Columbus Asphalt Services for more information on repairing asphalt damage caused by Ohio's heat and humidity.

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